June 6: "Hamvention vs Hamcation"

SCARC Vice-President Pat Rundall N0HR will deliver a presentation titled "HamCation vs Hamvention"

Pat's presentation will focus on pictures he’s taken at the 2024 HamCation and recent Hamventions, including details on history, what to expect if you're going there (flea market, vendors, forums, product reveals), and other major ham convention opportunities (Huntsville, Pacificon, Friedrichshafen).

Time: 7 pm presentation, business meeting to follow.

Location: the Grand Room at Northcrest Retirement Community, 2300 Northcrest Parkway (exit from 24th Street). See the Northcrest information page for a map and more details.

Note this is a 'hybrid meeting' combining an in-person gathering with an online meeting via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting online via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: June 6 2024 SCARC Meeting

Meeting ID: 228 340 852 785 Passcode: JVKZQS
Call in (audio only): 319-423-3239 Phone Conference ID: 788 568 5#

SCARC's meetings are free and open to the public, and visitors are always welcome.