April 4: "From cockpit to ham shack: understanding and decoding ACARS communications"

Paul Cowley W0YR will deliver a presentation titled "From cockpit to ham shack: understanding and decoding ACARS communications"

Paul's presentation will help you learn more about ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) and how you can receive and decode ACARS messages from aircraft on HF, VHF, and L-Band microwave frequencies. He will cover a brief explanation of what ACARS messages are used for, and how you can send decoded messages to aviation community aggregation sites.

Time: 7 pm presentation, brief club business meeting to follow.

Location: the Grand Room at Northcrest Retirement Community, 2300 Northcrest Parkway (exit from 24th Street). See the Northcrest information page for a map and more details. Please follow Northcrest Community’s sign-in protocol.

Note this is a 'hybrid meeting' combining an in-person gathering with an online meeting via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting online via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: April 4 2024 SCARC Meeting

Meeting ID: 279 204 487 562 Passcode: xQiyeA
Call in (audio only): 319-423-3239 Phone Conference ID: 101 420 811#

SCARC's meetings are free and open to the public, and visitors are always welcome.