February 1: “Spurious Emissions, makes a grown man cry”

Claus Niesen AE0S will deliver a presentation titled “Spurious Emissions, makes a grown man cry”

Claus's presentation will cover what spurious emissions are, their relevance to FCC rules, how to measure them, and the bitter truth. He will demonstrate these measurements 'live' with a spectrum analyzer during the presentation.

Time: 7 pm presentation, brief club business meeting to follow.

Location: the Grand Room at Northcrest Retirement Community, 2300 Northcrest Parkway (exit from 24th Street). See the Northcrest information page for a map and more details. Please follow Northcrest Community’s sign-in and temperature screening protocol.

Note this is a 'hybrid meeting' combining an in-person gathering with an online meeting via Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting online via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: February 1 2024 SCARC Meeting

Meeting ID: 213 489 703 968 Passcode: y6ABfW
Call in (audio only): 319-423-3239 Phone Conference ID: 632 235 578#

SCARC's meetings are free and open to the public, and visitors are always welcome.