This month, Pat Rundall, NØHR, will give a presentation on touring the Titan Missile Museum near Tucson, AZ and using the coldwar-era discone antenna system on HF. This impressive antenna was manufactured by Collins Radio for the US Air Force and was left for hams visiting the museum to use.
NOTE: This meeting will be a "hybrid" meeting, with an in-person gathering in Grand Room 1 at Northcrest Community combined with an online meeting via Microsoft Teams.
Additional details about the Northcrest Community facility, including a map and entry instructions are available on the club's website here: Northcrest information page.
To attend online: To join the meeting online via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: December 5 2024 SCARC Meeting
Meeting ID: 244 903 768 297 Passcode: GLWASa Call in (audio only): 319-423-3239 Phone Conference ID: 562 768 837#
SCARC's meetings are free and open to the public, and visitors are always welcome.