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Do I have to pre-register for the exam?

Yes, we require pre-registration. Our space is limited and we cancel sessions if no one is pre-registered. Pre-registration ends by midnight two days before the session (i.e. for a Sunday session, registration will end on midnight Friday). Pre-register at:

Can I arrive late to the exam?

We do ask you to be on time for the exam. We will not admit anyone after 30 minutes from the published starting time.

May I take multiple exams at the same session?

Yes, you may take the Technician, General and Amateur Extra exam or any combination thereof at one session. We do expect that you have studied for the exams you plan to take. At registration please indicate which exams you are planning to take. Please note that we cannot start an exam if:

  • We do not have the space and VEs available.
  • There is less than 60 minutes available to take the test.

If I fail my exam can I retest right away?

Maybe, if all of the following statements will be true at the time of testing you may be able to retake the test right away.

  • You have at least 60% of the test correct (i.e. at most 14 incorrect for Technician/General, 20 incorrect for Amateur Extra).
  • You have not failed the same test more than once during this testing session.
  • We have space and VEs available.
  • There is at least 60 minutes available to take the test.

Can you accommodate my special examination needs due to physical disability?

Yes, generally we can accommodate you during our regular testing session. Please contact us via with details on your special needs.

Can I join the VE team?

Yes. Please review the Laurel VEC documents about VEs, specifically the Become a VE page and the Laurel VEC Policy and Procedure Manual. If you're still interested contact

Can the SCARC VE Team hold a session at our location?

Possibly. At a minimum we'd require you to secure the location and advertise the exam session. Please contact us via and we can explore the collaboration between us.

Do you have an official VE team policy?

Yes, we're mostly guided by the FCC and Laurel VEC but do address team specific issues in the Story County ARC VE Team Policy.

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