Where were all the cars? Was this at 6 AM Sunday?
Once the RC station was well underway, the second station about 650 feet west on the west city hall parking lot
took shape. The power sources started with batteries
With solar panels to add some charge, though the logging computer took more power than the radio
And then a couple generators for all night power. I think my battery needs to be replaced, and I'm not
pleased with the difficult starting (when it did start) of my putput. I was jealous of AC0BG's generator
that was easy to start (though it demanded oil in the gas) and that ran long periods without complaint.
Not all operators were imortalized in photographs, but many were. At the Airstream N0RWW logged for many hours
Note the fine old key at the left. K0CQ operating, KC0MZ wondering where the radio was that fit the big manual.
K0KT demanded a keyer and a CW filter, but the FT-857D and K0CQ obliged. Since then I've discovered there were three keyer memories built in. Bulletins 1, 2, and 3.
AG3V found time to exercise the Airstream station late Sunday morning.
Meanwhile back at the RC conference room operations continued. Here AD0H ran the radio, N0NRO ran the computer
(before the display backlight died), and K0CQ began to nap.
During the evening, a reporter from the Iowa State Daily visited and interviewed

were visitors and the operators kept on making contacts while
explaining ham radio


night shift included AC0BG on 75 meters

Dean gave up getting answers, K0CQ took over and found a different
microphone made a major difference (as did ignoring the alligatorish
class D stations at home running high power) on 75 meters.
the use of the separate monitor by early Sunday morning (my best
sleeping hours were spent on 75 and 80!) After
K0CQ went to sleep, KI0Q continued on 40.
During the Sunday morning operation the Red Cross generator was tested to meet
the emergency power rules for class F.
And it showed up full voltage judging by the lamps brightness.
the FD summary for results. All told the 80/40 station made a few
more contacts than the 20/15 station, but there were more contacts
made on 20 than on 40. CW was most productive.
Photos by K0YLO and AD0H except for the FT-857D screen that was taken by
The Student Daily
interviews resulted in this front page article: isudaily.html
Modified July 8, 2005 by K0CQ